The provost serves as Harvard’s chief academic officer, working with the president to oversee academic policies and activities university-wide. The Office of the Provost [view organizational chart] works closely with the University’s academic and administrative leaders to:
- Foster interfaculty collaboration
- Improve Harvard’s performance in building a diverse pipeline of scholars and in developing scholars at all stages of the academic career ladder
- Advance university-wide approaches to compliance and research policy
- Support University cultural and artistic entities and projects
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- Oversee activities pertaining to intellectual property, technology transfer, research collaborations with industry, and trademark licensing.
The deputy, vice, associate, and assistant provosts, together with the provost’s administrative and operations staff, support the provost in carrying out these responsibilities.
Harvard University is closely monitoring the ongoing Coronavirus Disease 2023 (COVID-19) outbreak. The health, safety, and well-being of our community, on and off campus, is our top priority. We will continue to update the community regularly to keep you informed. Please visit the University's coronavirus website for more information.
Following state and local orders and advisories, the Provost's Office is leading efforts to enable our faculty and other researchers to resume their vital work by re-establishing access to our research facilities as rapidly as health and safety considerations permit.
Guided by its fundamental commitments as an academic institution, Harvard began good-faith negotiations with HGSU-UAW last October.
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